Jagadish Vasudev is well known as “Sadhguru” all around the world. Sadhguru is a position name given to a person who is mystical about nature with the knowledge of Vedas and Upanishads. Jagdish Vasudev is born on 3rd September 1957 in the South India region. He is an Indian Yogi, Author, Spiritual master, and Philanthropist. He pursued his education as a bachelor’s degree from the University of Mysore. He is a profound influencer of yoga and has been teaching yoga since 1982.

He speaks about spirituality at various sessions across the globe. He has given TED speeches. He has been invited as a “Guest of honor” at various institutes and organizations. He enlightens the audience with his spiritual knowledge on every occasion. He has written many books on Spirituality, many of them being in the New York best time seller for consistent years.

He established the “Isha foundation” near Coimbatore, South India region, in 1992which runs the program of Yoga, Spiritual practices, education, and welfare of the environment. With his Spiritual knowledge and practices, he has been valued by the western government and NGOs. He has address the British parliament, House of Lords, United Nation’s Millennium World Peace Summit, World Economic Forum, and many more. For his social welfare contribution, he received the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-highest civilian award from the Government of India.

According to Sadguru, there is no certain fixed meaning of life or purpose of life. We are not born with God gifted meaning of life or with purpose of life. The meaning of life or a purpose of life is to explore all the possibilities of our selves, be conscious and become more and more aware about existence.

He emphasizes very mind-catching words like Karma, Death, life, purpose of life, meaning of life and such. Sadguru explains the meaning of life by performing Karma, taking charge of it. He explains in-depth how karma works, what is meaning of death and life. He believes Yoga is an ultimate process and a form to unite oneself with nature. There are various programs he runs for practicing yoga. He also talks about Chakras and Kundalini.

Karma Yoga is considered to be utmost Yoga according to Hindu scriptures. Yasodhara Ashram runs two monthly Programs for practicing Karma Yoga.

He consecrated “Dhyanalinga” at his ashram. One can feel the sacred vibe and energy by meditating in front of Dhyanalinga. He states one can experience the new dimension of life by seating near Dhyanalinga place. 

He builds the iconic face of Adiyogi- the source of yoga in Coimbatore, the Southern part of India. His fundamental message is Yoga is the only way out for human well-being and liberation.

When asked Saguru for his Mission, here is his message – “Society is overripe for a spiritual process.” His fundamental vision is to offer the science of inner wellbeing to every human being – a science that helps a person realize the ultimate potential within. From this vision stem a multitude of projects,  programs, and methods, all towards the same aim: to raise every human being to the peak of their potential, so that they are exuberant, all-inclusive, and in harmony within themselves and the world.

A term to describe this man as “Mystical Magical man”

Books by Sadhguru:

Life and Death in One Breath

About: This book is beyond our thought process. This book breaks the orthodox tradition we have been trained for Life and death.
Meaning of life

Don’t Polish Your Ignorance …It May Shine

About: This book teaches you how to live joyfully. Everyone in today’s world with internet knowledge thinks he is wise enough to be happy, but what he doesn’t see is how to be happy and this book teaches you how to overcome the ignorance of knowledge.

Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga

About: This book is about the Adi Yogi which means first Yogi which is Shiva. This book also describes Yoga and its formed emerged from Adikal (which is the beginning of the world).

Death; An Inside Story: A book for all those who shall die

About: This book is a complete guide of following principles and guidelines to be a successful entrepreneur. This book is a practical approach to see Death.  A wide and open mind understanding require to understand this book.

Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy

About: This book shows how our body is important to stay healthy lifestyle. How Yoga and Yogic forms can help in keeping our body healthy and clean. Knowing the inner engineering of our body will help us to grow Spiritually.

Sadhguru: More than a Life

About: This book is the autobiography of Sadhguru aka Jaggi Vasudev who turned to be a monk at a young age. A beautifully written by Arundhathi Subramaniam.

Of Mystics & Mistakes

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About: As Sadhguru says there are only two types of people – Mystics and Mistakes. It’s quite an intelligent book for those who are early on the Spiritual path. 
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Flowers on the Path

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About: Sadhguru starts engaging the spiritual journey gradually in the minds of his readers. He starts mentioning the importance of Yoga, sitting at one place in Silence, the power of concentration, the role of a Guru in your life, and the power of devotion.
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Himalayan Lust

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About: This book is a journey of pilgrimage who travels to Himalayan once a year along with Sadhguru. The author has done full justice by writing their feelings into words and expressing their nature which becomes immortal for a time being while in the journey.
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Podcast by Sadhguru:


Quotes by Sadhguru :

Sadhguru with the children.

“The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.”


“An Intention will not make things happen. It will only set the direction. You still have to make the journey”


“Your meditation is not only about you. If you become truly meditative, without knowing why, everything around you will become peaceful.”

Sadhguru serving food

“The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.”


“Karma functions through certain tendencies. But with some awareness and focus, you can push it in the direction that you wish”


“If you drop this calculation, “What can I get?” in your life, you will become boundless and absolutely compassionate.”

Sadhguru feeding grains

“If you ask a tree how he feels to know that he’s spreading his fragrance and making people happy, I don’t think a tree looks at it that way. I am just like that, and it is just my nature to be like this.”

Sadhguru delivering the speech

“If you resist change, you resist life.”


“If you take your individuality too seriously, conflict is a natural outcome.”


“Lifestyle is a consequence of the times we live in – life is the real thing.”

Sadhguru delivering the speech

“When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.”

Sadhguru expressing his thoughts

“The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.”

Sadhguru meditating

“Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.”

Sadhguru doing Abhishek

“Love is your quality. Love is not what you do. Love is what you are.”

Sadhguru inspecting the stones

“Krishna says in the Gita, the worst crime in the world is indecision.”

Sadhguru with Shivalinga

“If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become unlimited. That’s the beauty of being a human being.”


Videos by Sadhguru:

About: According to Sadhguru, there is no purpose in life. Although, you must do whatever it takes to dive inside yourselves and discover within you.
About: According to Sadhguru, there is no purpose in life. Although, you must do whatever it takes to dive inside yourselves and discover within you.
About: According to Sadhguru, the purpose of life is to live life fullest to your potential. It means you have to discover every dimension of your life.
About: According to Sadhguru, When you start finding the purpose of life means you are lost in life. You are not in synchronize with Universe and not even your body.
About: According to Sadhguru, the only purpose of life is to evolve his full potential by diving inside, practicing Meditation, and doing Yoga.
About: Accordion to Sadhguru, our intellect is the one who asks the question about purpose of life but the life within never asks the question, it is as it is. 
About: By practicing Yoga, you can explore your individuality and become aware of yourself and the things around you.
About: According to Sadhguru, happiness means your energies are in sync in Universe and with your body.
About: According to Sadhguru, getting a taste of life means exploring all the possibilities within your body, mind and soul.
About: According to Sadhguru, the more you live your life consciously, you will tend to explore more about your life.

Sadhguru’s Facts:

Why is Sadhguru famous?

Sadhguru Akka Jaggi Vasudev is a famous philanthropist, spiritual leader, and author. He is famous worldwide for his Isha Foundation. He spread knowledge on yoga and the well-being of humans.

What is Sadhguru’s purpose?

“The only real purpose of life is to explore it in its fullest depth and dimension.”

What does Sadhguru say about life?

According to Sadhguru, you have come here to live life, not to think about it. If you explore the nature of this life that you are, you will know that life does not need any purpose of life is too phenomenal by itself.

Is Sadhguru married?
Sadhguru was married to Vijaykumari.

Why is Sadhguru called Isha?

Isha means ‘The formless divine’. He founded a non-profit, spiritual organization in 1992 near Coimbatore, Southern India. He hosts the Isha Yoga Center, which offers yoga programs to explore our potential in life.

What is the income source of Sadhguru?

As per 2021 data by oprice.com, Sadhugur’s net worth is $25 Million USD Dollar.
Sadhguru Net Worth Total 2021.